Are your valued ASSETS really PROTECTED from the threat of FIRE?

Protecting Lives and Assets
Mitigating the risk of a fire with Integrated Fire Technology’s fire suppression systems for fixed, and mobile assets is the best way to protect your valuable assets from the threat of fire.
Integrated Fire Technology is fast becoming the fire protection solution of choice, and is trusted by many owners of fixed assets, heavy vehicles and mobile industrial machinery to safeguard their machines, save operator lives and protect the environment in which they operate.
Our application specific automatic fire suppression systems are specifically designed for all fixed and mobile environments. We are certified proud partners of Fogmaker International, AF-X fireblocker, and QTEC Fire Services, with distribution rights for Southern Africa.

IFT Product Range
We make access to these global brand names in sub-Saharan Africa easy through our strategically situated network of distributors across the region.

High-pressure water mist fire suppression system.

AF-X Fireblocker
Automatic aerosol fire extinguishing system.

Which is the right product for you?
Not sure which product or type of installation is best suited for you?
Get in touch with us and our team will advise on a cost-effective and reliable solution for your industry and valuable assets.